Manifest Destiny

美 [ˈmænɪfest ˈdestəni]英 [ˈmænɪfest ˈdestəni]
  • 网络昭昭天命;天命;天命论;宿命
Manifest DestinyManifest Destiny
  1. The Manifest Destiny and Young American lays a solid foundation for vision of the Pacific Commercial Empire by Mr. Seward .


  2. American Manifest Destiny and American National Ideology


  3. The Effects of " Manifest Destiny " in American Foreign Policy


  4. In this essay , the writers are to analyze and explore how the " Manifest Destiny " influences American expansion policy .


  5. In the19th century Americans believed in manifest destiny , meaning that they thought God wanted them to occupy the whole continent .


  6. The Manifest Destiny , which was the development of the Monroe Doctrine , was a kind of expansionist policy .


  7. Under the theory of Chosen People , the Americans pose themselves as people selected by God while Manifest Destiny colors American expansion as answering oracle from God .


  8. The diplomatic thoughts of Quincy Adams can be represented by three aspects : Firstly , the thought of continental expansion emphasized the theory of Manifest Destiny .


  9. But it was the Amur river , Muraviev insisted , on which Russia 's manifest destiny flowed .


  10. With the " Manifest Destiny Mission " and " racial superiority ", it has the deep study about the impact on the United States diplomacy by the cultural values .


  11. Puritanism belief make American people think they are deemed to be special , ascendant , and exceptional . They believe they have the manifest destiny and special fate .


  12. Manifest Destiny 1845 - Manifest Destiny : US President James K. Polk announces to Congress that the United States should aggressively expand into the West .


  13. The paper summarizes the theory of American manifest destiny and , based on analysis of its deeply influence on America , points out that the theory of American manifest destiny is the psychological basis of American national ideology .


  14. While McCarthy to deconstruct western myths reveals the rationality of " manifest destiny ", but also corrected the extreme tendency of historical revisionism , finally realizes a kind of more universal significance of pluralism .


  15. But above all , there is the human spirit of adventure , the idea that our manifest destiny is to move out from the Earth to explore - and ultimately to colonise - the solar system and the galaxy .


  16. In fact , 90 % of the indigenous people in America were wiped out by a combination of disease and genocide of crazed religious settlers , believing their actions justified by the idea of " manifest destiny . "


  17. Many Americans also felt that as part of the nation 's Manifest Destiny to stretch from the Atlantic to the Pacific , the United States should take steps to annex Texas , the Oregon Territory , California , and the rest of the southwest .
